Dlfraser's Blog

The words of a country boy

Federal Reserve

Posted by Moonshiner on January 21, 2010

The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel that was secretly organized during a “duck hunting” trip by a select group at Jekyll Island off the coast of Savannah, Georgia in November 1910. This Island had recently been purchased by J.P. Morgan. The seven men who attended this “hunting” trip represented approximately one-fourth of the total wealth of the entire world. They were

1. Nelson W. Aldrich, Republican “whip” in the Senate, Chairman of the National Monetary Commission AND father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

 2. Henry P. Davidson, Sr. Partner of JP Morgan Company

 3. Charles D. Norton, Pres. of 1st National Bank of New York

 4. A. Piatt Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

 5. Frank A. Vanderlip, Pres. of the National City Bank of New York, representing William Rockefeller

 6. Benjamin Strong, head of J.P. Morgan’s Bankers Trust Company, later to become head of the System

 7. Paul M. Warburg, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company, representing the Rothschilds and Warburgs in Europe

The Fed is not controlled by the Federal Government, yet they control and print our currency. Independent stockholders, who look out for their personal interests, own the Fed. These wealthy bankers and certain special interest groups own the politicians (Democrats and Republicans).  Open your eyes! They have ruined our economy. We can’t afford the programs that are proposed by the politicians. We can’t afford to be the world’s police. We can’t afford world charity. Yet, they keep printing money and driving the economy into the ground. Our grandkids are going to have our country crash around them. Poor leadership, controlled by the wealthiest greed, was one of the major causes of the fall of the Holy Roman Empire. Their next step is to take guns away. They are going to have too because they are already taking our homes. People with guns are harder to evict. Do you realize that the big banks loose NOTHING when they foreclose on you? They gave you fake money to buy the house to begin with. The Fed prints it. They give it to the big banks. They loan it to you. You give it back to them with interest. Therefore, the interest is free money for them. They pocket it. The value of your life just decreased (inflation) and theirs increased. The cycle continues. It’s common arithmetic. 

VOTE THEM OUT!!! Vote Constitution Party. Vote Libertarian. Vote Independent. Vote for the politician that stands up and pisses us all off by cutting the programs we can’t afford. Vote for the one who pisses the world off by telling them we are not their protectors and charity givers. Vote for the one who will let the rich bankers go bankrupt when they make bad investments with money they don’t have anyway. Vote for the one who can’t afford a half billion dollars for a campaign budget. Vote for the one who doesn’t have to convince you that he or she is a patriot.

Unfortunately, we are going to hit bottom before we rise again so let’s get it over with before we become slaves in Colonial China of America.

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